Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tori and Sam

A couple of weekends ago, I got to travel up to Newcastle to visit Ruth and Tim, some mates of mine from uni. I'd never been to Newcastle before so it was cool to be able to go there and get shown around for a couple of days.

It was also cool because I got to see Victoria again. Tori is Ruth and Tim's baby girl and she is soo cute (as you may be able to tell from the pic on the left!). She's almost 8 months old now. I last saw her when she was about 5-6 months old. While it wasn't that long ago, babies sure grow up fast! Tori's now crawling around and giggling away to herself! She's also learnt to growl, which was most amusing for the rest of us! She's a people-baby too, so it was nice for me to be able to pick up a baby and not have them cry at me!

The trip was also good because I was able to catch up with Tanya too (She's in the photo on the right, with Tori). Tanya is also a mate from uni and helped keep me company while I was in Bathurst last year! Tanya drove which ment I didn't have to negotiate the Sydney traffic or try to keep up with Ruth in Newcastle! Plus her car is much more comfortable and roomy then mine, which ment lots of room for shopping (of which we did plenty of)!
We did quite a bit of sight seeing in Newcastle. It's not a bad place really. It kinda feels like an overgrown country town (traffic wise) and because we were staying pretty much in town, everything was easy to get to. Our hotel was right next to the beach, so there were lots of cool evening walks and much eating of fish and chips!
The tankers in the bays of Newcastle also amused Tanya and I. At any given time there were at least 40 of the monsterous things just dawdling along the coast, and at night when they lit up, it looked like hundreds of tiny little cities just floating off the coast.

On the way back from Newcastle, I got to drop in on Amanda and Matt, some more uni friends in Bathurst. They are also new parents, and it was great to catch up with them for a little while and see how much their bub has grown.
Samuel Christopher is about 10 weeks old and he's a big boy! Very placid though and let's his parents sleep for more of the night. He is also very personable, and didn't cry when I held him! He was born with that thick, black mop of hair too! He's the most awake baby I've ever come across too! He doesn't like to miss out on much!
I get to see Amanda and Matt again next weekend, as they're having a naming ceremony or something for Sam on Saturday.
Both bubs were suprises, but both families are doing well and couldn't imagine their lives without them!

1 comment:

LOUD? said...

Cool pics!!!

Sounds like you had a great time!

You're having WAY too much fun lately!

The babies are cute. Samuel looks big, i agree, i would've thought he was like 3 or 4 months old.

I love fish and chips from seaside type places. It's awesome. You've made me crave them just by talking about them.