Friday, February 16, 2007

Hey y'all!

Time for another post I suppose!

It's been storming here all afternoon, which inspired me to post about last weekend's storms, but sadly I can't seem to get the photos up for some reason, so you'll have to use your imaginations!!

We had a deluge of rain last weekend and Bathurst pratically flooded! There were rivers of running water every where! It was so cool to see. Liv and I weren't actually in Bathurst when the storms started but we saw the result coz when we cruised into town, it looked like it had snowed! It was amazing (have photos, but alas, can't get them on here?!). The hail was so fine, but thick, and it covered the paddocks on the outskirts of town. There were 'drifts' banked up against houses everywhere and 'snow' on the rooftops! There was about 2cms on the ground so we had a mini ice fight! I'd never seen hail that looked so much like snow before - it was exciting (I'm easily amused)!!

I had some old school friends up last weekend and it was good to catch up with them and see where their busy lives are taking them. Much eating of junk food and watching bad movies, what a way to spend a weekend! Mostly things ended up with us just chatting though, as is usually the way when a bunch of girls get together!

I am currently kitten-sitting a gorgeous little ginger thing for a friend while she is away. I had the job of going to collect the kitty from her home as she is a present for another friend. Needless to say, Kitty wasn't very happy yesturday and spend the afternoon hiding and wailing miserably. I hate being the first one to take them away from their mum! But she settled down eventually and is currently snuggled up beside me while I write this. I love how she has morphed into 2 modes now - sleep and play! That's it! I can't believe how long I can entertain her with a piece of ribbon! Much longer than I can be entertained anyway!

Liv is coming up again this afternoon, as it will be the last time she'll be able to do it (with all my furniture anyway!). We have a weekend planned of doing very little! Plus a little bit of junk food...!

Well, that's it for now. I will continue with my photo-uploading endeveour!! :)


LOUD? said...

hey y'all back!

Have a mad weekend with Olivia! Your last one in Baturst! What will you do?

Enjoy munching on the junk food for me! That's the life!

I watched a few dodgy movies myself lately.....but it doesn't worry me, I always find them amusing!

savage said...


Savage here.

Just saying hi.

keep up the good work

LOUD? said...

Hi Olivia!

R u having a good time in Bathurst???

Deb said...

your foster-kitten sounds cute. Is her name seiously just Kitty?

LOUD? said...

Hey, give us a list of your fav junk food indulgences. I really want to know what your favs are

Anonymous said...

I think Nomes wants to have a junk food party. People could list their favorite "junks".

Rinni said...

Hi Savage! :D

Thats a cool idea Bob! I'd be in that! I'll give you a little list of my favs here Nomes!:
Jaffas, M&M's mix-ups, Picnics, salt&vinegar chips, maltesers (anything with good chocolate really!), and pizza. There's more but I think that'll do for now!!

Deb, I couldn't name the kitty coz she wasn't mine to name (and I'd get too attached!) so I just called her Kitty so I could call her something when she was destroying my stuff!!

PS Liv says hi! (and I have harassed her about getting a blog!)

LOUD? said...

I love picnics too!

Picnics and buenos (kinder stuff) are my fav chocolate bars at the mo.

Same though, I'm into anything chocolate really.....

Anonymous said...

I like Nick's dried out pepperoni, with the pigs fat dripping out of it. I also like to poke a piece of it on a length of wire, and heat it up over an open fire. Very tasty.

Rinni said...

As tempting as that description of the dried pepperoni sounds, I think I'll stick to the chocolate!! :)

LOUD? said...

Bob, you know how to appetise us all!