Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Bored blog

Am blogging at the moment because I have commented on everybody else's and have nothing else to do now!

Weekend with Liv was good. We went to the Jenolen Caves on saturday because neither of us had been before. It's pretty there but we probably picked the wrong day to go because it was so hot! It's also annoying because it's so expensive. You have to pay $4.50 for parking and then to get in a cave for an hour, it costs $22. And that was the cheapest and easiest cave!

It was nice underground though. Looking at natural wonders always makes me wonder how people out there don't believe in God. All you have to do is look around and there's your proof!
I panicked a bit before we went in though coz it was a narrow cave and I wasn't sure if I was gonna get too claustrophobic, but it all turned out all right once I was in and looking at the cool structures.

After we came back we caught up with my friend Tanya, and had dinner at La Porchetta before coming back here to watch some movies. Sunday was just spent hanging around my place after a bit of shopping. All in all it was a nice relaxing weekend.

Today, I have had two lots of people come through to inspect the flat, which means I spent yesturday and today furiously trying to get the house tidy (not that the seemed to look anyway!). I was a bit spun out after the last couple left though, coz it turns out the guy was a childhood friend of mine that I haven't seeing for at least 7 years! I didn't recognise him, but he walked in and said, 'Which one are you, Olivia or Karin'? I just stared at him coz I had no idea who he was! He looked so different since the last time I saw him (guess I haven't changed much!) but once he said who he was, I was like 'Oh yeah, hey, how are ya'?! Bit strange but I love moments like that in life!

Tomorrow I'm going round to a friend's house to visit her and her new baby boy. Ahh, I love holidays!


LOUD? said...

love your rambling rave-ons!

they always entertain me!

lol about the dude you knew.

stop rubbing in this holiday thing, there's only so much I can take between you and Zarna..... :)

Jenolan caves are making a tidy little packet!! It's not like they own them, it should be free!!! I'd love to go one time too.

Never been to La Porchetta, must do that some time - maybe we could all plan a little "excursion" to Orange one time for LaP and a movie and whatever.

Hmmm, reminds me I need to do a smidgen of housework....

Clairey said...

Hey Karin!

Cool post! It's awesome to hear about what ppl are doing. Seth and I went to Jenolen caves when we were on our honeymoon. They were so cool but yep, like you said, very expensive.

Keep up the good work

Zarna said...

who was the dude?

Rinni said...

You probably wouldn't know him, but his name is Dallas. His mum and my mum used to be great friends and then they moved to Orange. Mum and his mum still talk, but being boys and girls, us kids just drifted apart. I knew them from church waaaayyy back!

Yeah, I like to hear what people are up to - even if it's just mundane things like shopping etc! Keeps you in the loop of their lives! Blogs are cool - they're just like one giant email full of nothing that all your friends can read!

I guess I don't talk that much in person, and when I'm in my flat I have no one to talk to, so I save it all up and ramble on my blog! It's easier to write then talk!! (There I go again!) :P

Rinni said...

Nomes, the movie and food excursion to Orange sounds like a great plan! I don't think they have La Porchetta's there anymore though, but there's plently more places! :D

LOUD? said...

you talk enough karin, especially after midnight all doped up on pizza, chocolate, fizzy and sugar.

Zarna said...

nomes is right! You aren't as innocent as you seem!

Anonymous said...

hi rinni

thanks for sharing your hair insights.

the savage

Anonymous said...

ive been wanting to go to G caves for ages. you should have taken some photos for your blog.

wouldnt wanna be ya

LOUD? said...


How are ya?

How's life on holidays?

I am so tired today!

I like your top pic by the way!

New post please.....
