Friday, January 20, 2006

Hey, venting on your blog does work!!

Hi again!

Well, it just goes to show that having a whinge on your blog can really do things!!! I got a phone call this morning from the hospital in Bathurst saying that I have an interview there on monday (23rd) at 11:15am!! YAY!!

While I am quite excited about this, I am also very scared because I've only ever done one interview before and, as I've said, that obviously didn't turn out too well because I got Katoomba for a post-grad, and that was at the bottom of the list!! In any case, this week end will be full of studying, preparing, and lots of praying! :)

It's annoying though, because as I feel I don't have any real basis on which to get the job on, I want to appear to be professional and have everything run smoothly - which, of course, it hasn't!! It's probably not that bad but I'm just stressing about making a great impression (as you can probably tell, I don't have a great amount of confidence within myself. Hopefully that will come though!!). Plus at the moment I'm very tired. When she called this morning, she actually woke me up, as I was sleeping because I had done a night shift last night. When you have just woken up and are functioning on approximately 1 hours sleep at an awkard time of the day, it's hard to appear professional and dignified when you're speaking to them and trying to suppress yawns at the same time!!! They know when to catch you at your best, don't they? Oh well, hopefully I will make such a great impression at the interview that they will forget all my rushed jobs and ramblings of the past!!

Anyway, just thought I'd keep you updated and tell you all of the great job you're doing at boasting my confidence! We shall see what happens next!



Deb said...

maybe the yawns will make them realise you're a dedicated professional!

Hopoe you get some rest, I will pray - and listen to Superchick just before your job interview - that's what I always do if I need an emergency confidence boost!

Rinni said...

Thanx. I don't have a superchick CD but I will listen to something with a confidence-boosting aspect in it!! :)