Tuesday, January 30, 2007

50 Questions Thing!

1. NAME: Karin Wagner
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? I don't think so. It was the only name mum and da could come up with that they both liked! Pretty sure it was dad's idea seeing as it's the European spelling
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? At my cousin's funeral
4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? No! It's horrible scrawl that I can't seem to fix
5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? BBQ chicken or left over roast lamb
6. KIDS? Not at the moment!
7. WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? When I was four, a tennis player! Then a vet or a cartoonist for Disney (even though I can't draw!)

8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? No. Tried to keep one for a while at school, but they never lasted long
9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? I think I do, even though I probably shouldn't
10. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Yes, but I wish they would take them out!
11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? No way! I'm not hurling myself off a brigde with a piece of string attached to me for anything!
12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? I eat Apricot Weet-bix Bites things, but, like everyone else, I would prefer Coco-pops! Or Froot Loops!
13. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Mostly I don't bother to untie the laces (No wonder I need new shoes all the time!)
14. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG PHYSICALLY OR MENTALLY? Neither! That's a hard one for me to judge myself on....
15. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Choc mint or boysenberry. Gelato is better than ice cream though

16. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Whether they attempt to be friendly or not. In physical appearences, their smile (or lack of)
17.RED OR PINK? Neither! But if I have to pick, maybe a fushia type pink (Pink like Zarna's bridesmaid's dresses)
19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Whoever is not with me at the time that I want them to be
20. FAVOURITE ACTOR AND ACTRESS? At the moment (my tastes change from month to month, depending on good movies!), Johnny Depp and Julia Roberts (only coz I can't think of anyone else at the moment!)
21. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES YOU ARE WEARING? Dark blue, rustic jeans and no shoes
23. FAVORITE SMELL? Rain, Clean sheets, Chanel No 5 (coz mum wore it when I was little) and roast lamb!
24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Mum, coz I was on a break this morning and was bored, so I annoyed her before church. Liv was too busy getting ready to talk to me!
25. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU?Nobody sent it to me, I stole it! But I like all the people who have it one their blog that I stole it from!
26.FAVORITE DRINK? Golden Circle Tropical Punch soft drink, Coke and Cherry Cheer

27. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? Gymnastics, Ice skating and NRL
28. HAIR AND EYE COLOR? Red/auburn?! and bluish/grey (blech!)
29. FAVOURITE CHILDHOOD TV SHOW? So many: Snorks, Art Attack, Sesame Street, SuperTed, Freakazoid, Animaniacs, and almost any cartoon (I will also quietly add A Country Practice and MacGyver too! But I was little!)

30. MUSIC CONCERT OR THEATRE? Both, but concerts have more audience participation!
31. FAVORITE FOOD? Mum's baked dinner, pizza, nachos and lamb korma
33. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Dodgeball at last night's open air cinema down by the river, here in Bathurst
35. SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer (when it's in the mid 20's degree range!)
37. FAVORITE DESSERT? Trifle and chocolate sponge pudding with custard
38. ARE YOU TICKLISH? Anybody who know's me will know the answer to that!
39. WHAT SUPER POWER WOULD YOU WISH FOR? To be able to move things with my mind 40. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? I very rearly only read one book at a time. At the moment, I'm slowly ploughing my way through 'U2 by U2' and 'San Sombrero' (If you haven't heard of it, it's a hilarious book that rips off travel guides. The pictures and captions are very funny!)
41. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? I'm mouse pad-less
43. FAVORITE SOUNDS? Summer bugs, birds (whip- and bell-birds especially), rain on a sleep-in morning, the clicking sound my clock makes when I disable the alarm!
45. THE FURTHEST YOU'VE BEEN FROM HOME? Adelaide (how depressing!)
46. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? I don't think I do...unless you count being late for EVERYTHING (even if the event is in the afternoon) and being the last one to leave as some sort of talent?! (Probably more annoying actually....)
47. WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU BORN? 11th December 1984, in the Maternity unit at Orange Base Hospital.
48. TRAVEL THE WORLD? I'd like to (just gotta get over my irrational fear or aeroplanes)
49. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? You know, the usual: Earn lots of money without having to work too hard, be able to buy lots of nice things, get married, kids, etc, etc. Have enough money stashed away to be able to retire early and go caravaning for the rest of my days!
50. HOW DO YOU FALL ASLEEP AT NIGHT? Listening to soft music and the fan, trying to push all the thoughts out of my head that are keeping me awake, and I usually only end up falling asleep once I've laid on my side and back numerous times, before I give up and just sleep on my stomach!


LOUD? said...

Go Coco-Pops Anonymous

Johnny Depp is a really cool and talented actor (Pete wants me to add that "I think he is hot" - he's not too bad, hey!)

I loved the Snorks too! No shame in admitting to Macgyver....(only some people may begin a harassment campaign....) Did you think he was cute? Or just the show?

Wait....I will return

LOUD? said...

I like your little ticklish picture and the walt disney one too.

Your hair is a very cool and unique colour!

Cool 50 questions!

LOUD? said...

Don't feel sheepis THE WHOLE WORLD was into A Country Practice!

Rinni said...

He he! Thanks Nomes!

Yes, Johnny Depp is a bit of alright!! And, I may aswell admit it seeing as you asked, I did think MacGyver was a bit of a spunk in his day too! Hey, he was cool in the early 90's! The things he could do with a bit of gum and a paper clip! Talk about your handy man!! ;op

And thanks for the info on how to get my posts in the order I want them. I thought I tried something like that but it obviously didn't work at the time!

Deb said...

isn't it awesome, Naomi has become a great technical advisor / blogspiration :)

gosh we're a health-conscious bunch (I think just about everyone wrote both what they would love best for breakfast, and what they actually eat)...when did we all grow up? I guess around the same time scales started showing consequences.... ;)

OH MY GOODNESS that ice cream looks good!!

LOKL, just noticed the juxtapositioning of my last 2 comments....

what?! your skin's nice...from memory... :) And your eyes!! :)

I liked A Country Practice and MacGyver too ;)

I've read other ones in that ripping off travel guides series, they are funny!

I think you're a talented decorator, for one thing ;) Your house was cool!

Anonymous said...

lack of fitness and skin?

Lack of skin?

LOUD? said...

Forgot to say, LOVE all your pics, you are really advancing along in funkyfying upir blog. Before you admitted you didn't even know how to put a pic on there!


LOUD? said...

Hey! I just saw your comment on my blog like NOW a minute ago cool. Like we're both out here

ProbaBLY not that exciting, but I thought I might as well take the opportunity to comment again!!

savage said...

Hi Karin

I like your 50 questions. Had a few good laughs here. Thanks!

Deb said...

Hey Nomes :)

glad you're coming to colour!! Are you, Karin?

savage said...

hi karin

love your blog. i love bbq chicken too.

LOUD? said...

it cracks me up how you ahve us all listed by our first names and the mingled in is 'The Savage'

Will let you know if anything is happening. This weekend is the FBI sleepover. (can't come sorry)

Friday a bunch of people are going to the town pool for a swim and bbq. Should be good fun. Or if you don't want to swim, hanging out and eating food's good too. 5pm. COME COME and bring your NON-BLOGGING sister too. Bring whatever food to bbq or nibblies to share.

Hmmm, long comment. Let me know if you will be there!

LOUD? said...

Ooops forgot to ask do you think you are coming to colour?

Rinni said...

Cool, thanks for the invite. don't know exactly what I'm up to on friday (whether I will be home or not yet), but if I am, I will pop along for entertainment value!

Why can't I come to FBI sleepover?! ;op

As for colour, I still don't know. I want to but I'm not sure I can cope with the early mornings! (I assume they will be very early mornings! I don't cope with little sleep. ask Katie re: Planetshakers!! Or Pete, I'm sure he remebers what I was like!!) Will seriously think about it and try to organise something if I can (and it's not too late)

LOUD? said...

You can come with me and stay at Debs I am in mums car with Coralie.

I am a shocker in the mornings too! I can get ready in 10 mins, to maximise sleep-in time!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is a fantasy

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Nice content. Thank you for your information.